About me

Babette Monsma

My why

When I was in Bali for the first time to explore the wellness there and go to the International Spa School, I woke up at two in the afternoon. Dazed, I walked to the reception. "I overslept," I said. "Missed my breakfast, I need to withdraw money, rent a bike, know where my school is, explore the neighborhood and...". The receptionist looked at me and said "the pin is behind this. But why don't you first sit down on our terrace for a cool drink and recover from your journey. It'll all work out. Just take it easy." I remember a lot of stress slipping off me at that moment. This Balinese woman said exactly what I needed. I 'had to' so much from myself and that drained me.
At that moment, I decided I would only be kind to myself from now on. "I don't have to," I thought. "I can take as much time as I need to slow down and unravel my thoughts. I am in no hurry, I let go and surrender to everything that comes my way. And... I say yes to everything.
That brought me a lot. During those weeks I met a lot of people and had nice conversations. And it occurred to me that this is exactly what women who travel alone need: a little care and attention, a little guidance and self-empowerment. My idea for a women's villa was born!

During this period I have learned to surrender to what is. Through my positive attitude, openness about my illness to the outside world and the support of my loved ones, children, family and friends, I have become a beautiful new version of myself. With blonde long hair and lots of energy. I realize all too well that life is fragile and can just mess up all future plans and dreams. Now that I have been declared cancer free and recovered, I would like to follow my heart again, live life to the fullest and do what I like: traveling, studying, developing myself, making time for the people I love and…. running a women's villa in Bali.

Who is Babette Monsma

My name is Babette Monsma, I have been happily married for twenty years, have two grown children and have recently moved to Groningen alone. Just before I turned 50, I chose to realize my deepest desires, ambitions and dreams. And I felt that NOW was the time. My husband and I have lovingly let go of each other because we give each other the life we ​​want to live. It was not an easy and obvious choice, but it was the right one. Maybe it's my disease process, maybe it's my age. But I wanted to feel, the uncovering of all that I want in the remaining time ahead of me. And Bali was and remained my dream. And not my partner's. So the question was… will you compromise… or do I? Or…

In 2016 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My ambitions and future plans were put on hold. It became a year of surgery, radiation, chemo and ten beautiful wigs. I gave myself this gift to make this nasty time as 'fun' as possible.

Total Woman Bali